Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tail Light reseruction

The tail lights had operational issues as well as looking pretty shabby.

So OUT they came.  I will spend some time in the basement reworking the bezels, replacing hardware and repainting them. 3 out of the 8 bolts broke off in the aluminium housing due to corrosion and the wiring job behind the lights was in sad shape as well.

Overhead racks continued.

This is all the extra wiring from both overhead racks.  All for speakers, reading lights, and sidewall lighting.

 Today's progress was good. The right side overhead rack is down.

After drilling out a couple of rivets and some good bashing with a Large hammer. the rack split in to two pieces so I could slide it back out of the way for now.

The left side is stronger and longer than the right. I don't think I will tackle it alone. That is unless a Saws All comes in to play.